Pure gelatin powder of excellent quality. This natural gelling agent, entirely made from beef skin. This gelatin has a Bloom Index of 150.
Powdered gelatin is indicated for binding and thickening creams, mousses, bavarois, flans and fruit jams. 20 grams of gelatin must be added per liter of product to obtain the correct thickening and 40 grams for a flan that does not flow.
Preparation: Pour the required amount of powdered gelatin into the liquid. Heat the mixture up to 40 ºC while mixing so that the gelatin dissolves. Warning ! The preparation must not cook! Leave to cool and take the mixture to the fridge.
Gelatin cannot be used with the following fresh fruits: pineapple, kiwi, papaya, mango and ginger.
Ingredient: bovine gelatin (E441). Bloom 150. Bloom measures the gelling power of gelatin, this index is important in terms of quality. The Bloom degree is usually between 50 and 300. This degree indicates the strength of gelatin's gelling power.
This product is Halal certified.
Contents: 60 grams.